グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦・青獅子の学級 Battle of Eagle and Lion (Blue Lions)
Reception Hall
ディミトリ: 今節はいよいよグロンダーズ鷲獅子戦か。鍛錬の成果を見せる時だな、先生。
Dimitri: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion is finally upon us! This is our chance to show off the results of your expert training, Professor.
Choice 1: グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦? Battle of the Eagle and Lion?
ディミトリ: レア様やセテス殿から聞いていないのか?聞いていないのなら、俺から説明しよう。
Dimitri: Have Lady Rhea and Seteth really not filled you in? Well, if that's the case, I'm happy to explain.
Choice 2: すっかり忘れていた It slipped my mind. *Dimitri down
ディミトリ: はは……先生らしいな。俺からでよければ、簡単に説明しよう。
Dimitri: Haha, I highly doubt that. If you don't mind, I'd be happy to explain.
ディミトリ: グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦は、いわば大規模な学級対抗戦だ。毎年飛竜の節に開催される。
Dimitri: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion takes place every year during the Wyvern Moon. It can best be described as a mock battle between the three houses.
ドゥドゥー: ……学級対抗戦と言えば、大樹の節にやったな。覚えているか、先生。
Dedue: Much like the one we had during the Great Tree Moon. Do you remember, Professor?
Choice 1: 覚えている Yes, I remember.
Choice 2: 祝勝会を開いた I remember our celebration most of all. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ……ああ、あの日は楽しかった。先生の食べっぷりは最高だったな。
Dimitri: It was certainly an unforgettable time. I've never seen anyone put away as much victory food as you did that night, Professor!
ディミトリ: 戦いの舞台は帝国領、グロンダーズ平原。つまり、大修道院の外に出ることになる。
Dimitri: This battle will take place in Empire territory, at Gronder Field. In other words, far removed from the monastery.
It's a mock battle between the three houses. The house that defeats the most opponents wins.
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下、今年は確かマヌエラ先生とハンネマン先生が。
Dedue: Your Highness, if the rumors are true, I believe Professor Manuela and Professor Hanneman will not be joining us.
ディミトリ: ああ、そうだったな……前節の一件で、マヌエラ先生は参戦を見合わせるそうだ。
Dimitri: Ah, yes, right you are. Given recent events, Professor Manuela has opted to sit this one out.
Since she won't be present, Professor Hanneman has decided to skip this year as well.
Choice 1: それなら自分も In that case, I must sit out too. *Manuela up
Choice 2: 自分はどうしたら What should I do?
マヌエラ: 気を遣わなくていいのよ、センセイ。あなたは生徒と一緒に楽しんでちょうだい。
Manuela: Oh, don't worry about us. You know you wanna see the kids in action.
ディミトリ: ……マヌエラ先生!もう、お体はよろしいのですか。
Dimitri: Professor Manuela! Are you feeling better already?
マヌエラ: あなたたちのおかげでね。でも無理をして倒れでもしたら、みんなに悪いから……。
Manuela: Thanks to all of you. But I'd only be a burden out there. My students don't need to see me collapsed. Well, not on the battlefield, anyway.
ドゥドゥー: ならばやはり、グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦は。
Dedue: In that case, perhaps it is best that you sit this one out.
ハンネマン: 我々は不参加とするよ。……だからといって簡単に勝てると思わないでくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Correct, we will not be participating. Regardless, do not expect victory to come easily. Or at all.
マヌエラ: そのとおりよ。この数節、あたくしたちも生徒をみっちり鍛えてきたんだもの。
Manuela: Well put. We've spent the past few months pushing our students to their limits. You can see me in the infirmary after they destroy you.
Choice 1: 自分だけというのも…… If I'm the only professor present... (Manuela ⤵)
Choice 2: やはり不平等では…… This doesn't seem fair... (Hanneman ⤴)
マヌエラ: あら、あんまり油断しているようだとあたくしの学級が簡単に勝ってしまうわよ?
Manuela: Oh my, look at you. If you're as confident as all that, my students will walk all over you.
ハンネマン: 生徒に教えるべきことはすべて教えてある。遠慮は無用、全力で挑んできたまえ。
Hanneman: We have taught our students well. There is no need to hold back. Challenge them with everything you have!